Why homeowners should consider carbon credits?
1. Rising Renovation costs
Inflation has driven up the cost of materials and labor, making home renovations and energy retrofits more expensive. Many homeowners are now facing financial roadblocks when trying to upgrade their homes for energy efficiency.
2. Reduced gouvernment support
Grants and subsidies for sustainable home improvements have been reduced in recent months. With fewer financial incentives available, many homeowners are left struggling to cover the costs of energy-efficient renovations.
3. Loss of asset value
By 2030, homes that remain inefficient will lose value. Buyers are already increasingly prioritizing energy-efficient homes. Inaction is not an option.
Radical Zero enables homeowners to renovate
Additional Funds
Access additional funding to make your renovations financially feasible.
Start Project
start projects sooner, with more confidence in their financial plan and an improved ROI.
Simple & no risk
Radical Zero develops the carbon credits.
Homeowners incur no costs.. Radical Zero receives a provision of the credit sales.
How does It Works
1. Renovate building
Homeowners renovate their home and reduce their CO2 emissions. Check your eligibility and apply for carbon credits.
2. Develop credits
Based on data of the CO2 reductions of the renovation, Radical Zero develops a carbon credit project with the leading voluntary registry.
3. Receive payout
Once the renovation is completed, carbon credits are issued and sold. Owners receive the proceeds of the sales, Radical Zero gets a share of the revenues.
4. Annual renewal
The CO2 emission reductions are monitored. Every year Radical Zero measures your CO2 reductions and manages the issuance of new carbon credits and their sales. For up to 21 years.